The Seedlings Montessori School's curriculum

The Seedlings Montessori School’s curriculum is based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s educational curriculum which is divided into five distinct areas Language, Math, Practical Life, Sensorial, and Cultural & Science Studies. At The Seedlings Montessori school, our Montessori curriculum and methodology goes far beyond basic academic subjects. Our programs for children 12 months through 6 years of age are customized to each child’s academic need.  Children are encouraged to explore and learn through project-based/hands-on fun activities. Our curriculum is STEAM infused while keeping core Montessori values. We are confident that we will give your child an excellent foundation for an independent, self-directed time of learning.





The Spoken Word to the Written Word
The language curriculum progresses from oral language activities and pre-reading work to writing and ultimately to reading comprehension. The aims of the oral language activities include the development of listening skills, comprehension and vocabulary as well as the ability to express oneself with confidence. The materials for written language introduce the child to the letters of the alphabet and their sounds. The child then goes on to compose words and sentences using the moveable alphabet. All aspects of language development are occurring Languagesimultaneously and it is the teacher’s role to observe readiness for each new lesson.

Young children have a phenomenal ability to absorb language. The child learns oral language naturally. They automatically absorb it from their environment. Every effort is made to give each child as much precise vocabulary as possible. The process of absorbing and expressing is encouraged whether individually or in a group. This is a very important part of the Montessori curriculum and meets all the early learning goals. Sandpaper letters are used to introduce the sounds of the alphabet to the child when they are ready.

In the Montessori class, children utilize all their senses to help them read and write with proper understanding. Discovering Language becomes interesting, fun and a creative process for the child. Each child works at their own pace. Gradually, through daily practice, writing, reading, and communication skills will develop.


Journeying from the Concrete to the Abstract
Lessons presented in the practical life and sensorial curriculum lay the groundwork for the child to begin to explore the world of math. The concrete math materials enable the naturally mathematical mind of the preschool child to journey from the concrete to the abstract through manipulation and experimentation. Children first explore the concept of quantity or “how many”. The Montessori materials build on each other in a natural progression, encouraging the child to explore and discover. From there the child moves on to using symbols or written quantities and thlittle-girl-hand-building-tower-made-montessori-educational-materials-41293925en begins to combine quantities for the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The material for Math introduces the child to associate quantity and its symbols. The quantities are introduced by a series of bead bars, which the child can count. The Math materials are designed to give the child a sound understanding of numbers and their relationship. This work is always introduced in a simple and sensorial way so that the child can see, hold, and feel the number or quantity and gradually be led to an abstract understanding.

All of the Math material from the toddler to the elementary classroom is color coded. Using a wide range of beads and symbol cards, the child becomes familiar with the numbers as a decimal system, including concrete experiences with the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

These experiences not only teach the child to calculate, but they provide a deep understanding of how numbers function and the relationship between the quantity and symbol. Abstract work comes naturally to the elementary child because of the solid foundation in Math work from previous years.


The Skills of Daily Living
The practical life area of the curriculum is the bridge for young children between home and school. Practical life activities allow the young child to perform adult activities. The aims of the practical life materials are independence, a sense of order, concentration and coordination. Practical life lessons include care of the person (buttoning, zipping, tying); care of the environment (cleaning, polishing, food preparation); small and gross motor development (pouring, cutting, balancing); and social development (interpersonal skills, grace and courtesy, speaking, participating in a group).

Practical Life is a desired and sought-after area in the classroom, which transgresses beautifully throughout all other areas of the environment. Children love to do these activities because they are able to individually engage themselves in real-life, daily activities. By focusing on these adult activities, the student acquires personal growth as an individual. Children can grow and relate by doing activities such as spooning and pouring dry goods or liquids, threading beads, sweeping up spills, washing their hands, and learning how to communicate with peace and courtesy in the toddler and primary years.

In the elementary years, the children will often be found cooking, sewi
ng, gardening, and engaging in activities that extend outside of the classroom and into the community as their practical life work. Concentration in these types of activities allows children to teach themselves how to adapt in society, as well as learn coordination of movement and develop a sense of order.

The most important attribute learned through these activities is the knowledge of how to be a purposeful and functional member of society.


Exploring the World through the Five Senses
Dr. Maria Montessori identified the period from 2-6 years as the age of the “absorbent mind”. Children come to know and understand the world they live in through their five senses. The Montessori sensorial materials, such as the pink tower, geometric solids, sound cylinders and color tablets help a child to understand and internalize the concepts of size, shape, color, taste, touch and sound. These materials build the foundation for developing skills in the areas of music, mathematics and language.

Sensorial matmontessori-material-binomial-cube-mathematics-sensorial-51796703erial is designed to engage the learner. These activities are purposeful and allow the child to verbally define and refine their language with respect to color, texture, size weight, shape and smell. Sensorial activities are designed to reinforce the five senses and to help guide the children in learning to discriminate, classify and compare. Sensorial exercises help prepare for intellectual development in an orderly manner. They teach knowledge and understanding of the world.

The iconic pink tower and red rods fall into the category of sensorial materials. The early use of these materials develop a sense of order in the child which she or he can apply to the world around them. The sensorial materials support the child’s psychological and neurological development. Indirect benefits of sensorial work include, but are not limited to, mathematical preparation, increased attention span, improved hand/eye coordination and the development of logical thinking. The Sensorial materials lay a solid foundation for Mathematics, Geometry, Geography, Botany, Art and Music.

Cultural And Science Studies

Botany, Zoology, Geography and Science

Geography and the sciences make up the cultural component of the preschool program. The geography curriculum introduces the concepts of land and water forms, the study of cultures shutterstock_187457777and customs, and the understanding of fundamental human needs through exploration of the seven continents. The science curriculum is aimed at developing an awareness of science concepts through discovery and experimentation. Included within the curriculum are hands-on lessons in the areas of botany, zoology and physical science.

(Physical and Life Sciences, Geography, History)An ecological perspective highlights the interrelationships of the earth, its flora and fauna, and human life. The young child orders simple classifications of non-organic and organic forms and identifies basic parts of plants an animals. The young child discovers the richly varied way in which people meet the same basic needs in relation to differences in topography, climate, and natural resources. This study is expanded at the elementary level to explore the relationships among living and non-living elements, with a focus on connections and functions. The evolution of human societies is examined as part of the whole unfolding of life on earth. (The Whole School Montessori Handbook, 1999)