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Hours of Operation

The Seedlings Montessori School is open 12 months a year, Monday thru Friday, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Tuition will be the same each month regardless of holidays.  Parents may take two weeks vacation credit each year.  The year is based on your student’s original anniversary date.  The deduction can be taken in one or two week increments.  Vacation credits are calculated as follows.  Monthly tuition rate times twelve, divided by fifty two.  Credits do not carry over from previous years.   Please notify the office when paying tuition so that the proper adjustment can be noted.

Summer Vacation.  LMS holds class twelve months per year.  While we do give priority to, we do not guarantee space for returning students who leave for the summer.  If your student leaves for the summer and returns in the fall, all vacation credits are forfeited.

The supply fee is payable upon submission of an application and on an annual basis thereafter.  This fee is nonrefundable and covers the costs of insurance, materials and admission fees for the full academic year, August through July.

Arrival and Departure Procedures

An attendant will greet your child in the driveway during the morning (7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.) prior to class time.  All children who are not greeted at the door by an attendant must be accompanied by the parent into the school.  If you are planning to come into the school, please use the parking lot so that the driveway is not blocked.

It is important for the child to arrive at school on time.  All classes have a line activity which begins at 8:30 a.m.  This activity sets the tone for the entire day and contains many important lessons.

An attendant will also be on duty in the driveway during dismissal of the children leaving at 3:00 p.m.  Children not picked up on time will be charged a late pick-up fee.

Between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. you can call  5 minutes ahead of time and we will have your child in the office and ready to be picked up.  PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY.  IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT WAITING IN THE OFFICE, YOU MUST PARK!   Children not picked up on time will be charged a late pick-up fee.

Authorization for Picking up Children

Children picked up from the school will only be released to those previously authorized to pick them up.  If someone else is picking up your child from school, who is not on the authorization form, the school will require prior authorization from the parent and will require a picture ID from the person picking up the child.

The school’s policy is to take every precaution to protect your child.  If, it any time, this becomes inconvenient for you, we ask that you remain patient and support our efforts in this regard.


Your child should remain at home if they have an above normal temperature, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea or contagious disease.  If your child is absent for more than three consecutive days, we ask that the school be notified of the cause of illness.  If your child has a communicable disease, we request that you notify the school immediately so that other parents can be informed regarding possible exposure.

If your child becomes ill at school, we will call the parents and ask that you pick up the child.  Minor accidents which occur at school will receive prompt attention. If appropriate, we will notify you by phone and/or send home an accident report regarding any such incidents.

We cannot emphasize too strongly the need for parents to inform the school of any change in telephone numbers during the year.  We must be able to contact at least one parent at all times in case of an emergency.  It is the parents responsibility to notify the school office regarding any change in telephone numbers or other contact information.


If you have medicine which you want the school to dispense to your child, the proper forms must be filled out prior to your leaving the school.  The medicine to be administered must be in its original labeled container (state law) and a signed medication form must be left in the office.  Non-prescription medication must be labeled with the child’s name and date.  Medication left at the school for longer than ten (10) days will be discarded.

Medical Information and Emergency Medical Authorization Forms

Prior to your child attending class, the school requires completion of the Medical Information and Emergency Authorization forms.  The medical section must show the results of a recent examination signed by a physician and a current immunization record.  The Emergency Medical Authorization Form must be signed by the parent and returned to the school prior to your child’s attending class.

Discipline and Guidance for the Children

The discipline policy of the school is one of guidance and re-direction.  Discipline will be consistent in such a manner as to promote self discipline and teach the child acceptable behavior.  Children are not subjected to humiliation, abusive language, or punishment associated with food, naps or toilet training.  The teachers are responsible for discipline in their respective classrooms.  When a problem persists or is a special problem, parents are contacted to enlist their support.

The Seedlings Montessori School reserves the right to dismiss any student from the program for any reason, at any time.

Food – Snacks, Lunches and Birthdays


Snacks are served each morning and afternoon at the school.  A child wishing to bring a special snack for the entire class may do so, however, the snack must be nutritious and the school must be notified ahead of time.


Freshly prepared Lunch is served everyday at TSMS but children can also bring lunch from home. Suggested foods include sandwiches, cheeses, meat slices, fresh fruits and vegetables.


Birthdays are special times for children.  In an effort to help the child really understand the significance of becoming one year older, they are encouraged to bring a developmental history that has pictures of themselves as an infant, at one year of age, two years of age, etc.  In this way they can share with the class how they have grown with each birthday.

Children enjoy bringing a special snack to share with their friends on birthdays.  This snack can include a homemade nutritious cake, banana bread, muffins, popcorn, cheese, crackers or fresh fruit.  The school would like to ask parents to refrain from sending iced cake or other sweets.  Please notify the school ahead of time regarding any special birthday snack plans.

Please coordinate with your classroom teacher for any food allergies that the other children may have.

Hearing and Vision Screening

The requirements for vision and hearing screening apply each year for children enrolled at TSMS who are four years old by September 1st and all five and six year old .

Enrollment Procedures

Before a child is admitted, all enrollment information must be on file at TSMS. TSMS must have a health statement on file at the center within one week after date of admission.

TSMS will notify parents in writing of any changes to our operational policies and enrollment agreement.  TSMS will keep a signed statement by each parent which states that you have read and understood TSMS operational policies.  If any changes are made, TSMS will notify the parents in writing.  A copy of the updated policy must be signed by a parent.  TSMS will keep the updated information in your child’s file.

Water Activities

In order for your child to participate in water activities, you must give your permission and sign the authorization form included in your child’s enrollment packet.

Parents Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about TSMS policies and procedures, please let someone in the office know.  We will review and discuss the questions or concerns.

Classroom Observation Visits

Parents are welcome to visit our school at any time to see the classrooms at work.  Helpful guidelines for observing classes are available in the office.  These suggestions may make your observation time more meaningful.

Letters, News and Children’s Work Night

TSMS will be sending home a monthly newsletter, articles of interest and notices of important school events such as, extra curricular programs, picture days, vision and hearing screening, special visitors and other important information as appropriate.  This information will be sent in your child’s weekly envelope or will be in your child’s cubby.

Parent Participation

There will be two parent/teacher conferences during the school year in order for parents to meet the teacher and discuss your child’s progress.  There will also be at least one children’s work night to allow parents to see their child’s work and learn more about what the students do in the classroom.  You will be notified of the times and dates of these events well in advance.


In the event of a significant change in your home, which may affect your child’s emotional well-being, please consider informing your child’s teacher or the administrator regarding these events.  Common causes of distress include: either one or both parents being away from home, for any reason, for an extended time, moving, new persons living in the home, illness of either parent, a sibling or other immediate or extended family member, any hospitalization, divorce, accident or death in the family or of a pet.  All such information will be regarded as confidential.

The school will keep you informed of any significant changes in the school environment which may affect your child.

Personal Items

Personal Items and School Materials

The school offers a wide variety of materials for the children to use and enjoy.  Since personal toys cause a lot of confusion, we ask that children not bring them to school.  Children are encouraged to bring books and other educational items to share for show and tell.

Montessori materials are expensive and very difficult to replace.  Children are naturally attracted to the small, interesting objects.  Should your child bring home a bead, a block, or any other item, please, return it to the school.  One missing piece of material may make an entire set unusable.


Clothing needs to be comfortable and appropriate for the weather.  Your child needs to wear easy to launder clothing so they are not afraid to work with water, paint or other “messy” materials.  Students should not wear clothing which hampers their going to the restroom alone.  The school cannot be responsible for lost clothing.  For infant and toddler students, two changes of clothing should be left at the school.  Primary students should have one change of clothing left at the school.

All outer garments such as coats, sweaters and hats should be labeled with the child’s name.  Children should wear sneakers or rubber sole shoes for their safety.

Nap Time

Each child must bring a light weight blanket and a small pillow, each clearly labeled with the child’s name.  When they are sent home for washing, please return the next school day.

The primary children are using the dance building during naptime.  We are teaching independence and responsibility and trying at the same time to make it easy for the children to come and go to the nap room.  We suggest a large pillowcase to hold a small pillow and blanket.    If they only have one bag to carry, this will make it much easier.  All belongings should be labeled.  Please put your child’s name on the pillowcase.  All nap items will go home on Friday.  Please wash and return nap items on Monday.

Your Child’s First Week of School

During the first week of school your child may be tearful and have some misgivings about attending school.  Such feelings are quite normal.  It is best if you smile confidently, say good-bye and leave quickly.  The school’s staff is used to handling school adjustments. Most of the time, the child will stop crying as soon as the parent has gone.  The child’s reluctance may last several weeks, but your child will, over time, become accustomed to the school as long as they do not detect a worried reaction from the parent.  Feel free to call the school and inquire about how your child is doing.

During the orientation period, (the first several weeks of school) your child will be gradually introduced to the classroom location of their cubby or locker, the bathroom procedure, how to take a snack and get a drink, and learning general classroom procedures and ground rules.  They will also be making many new acquaintances and getting to know the teachers.  It is possible therefore, that during this adjustment period, your child may seem unusually tired and irritable.

As school becomes more familiar, and as your child becomes more involved with the new environment, a sense of routine and order will develop.  There will be intellectual, emotional, social and physical development.  This development may be continuous or come in “spurts.”


Your child will be learning many new concepts at our school.  We view each child as special, unique and very much an individual.  We are glad that you have chosen to allow The Seedlings Montessori School to contribute toward and to share in the process of your child’s growth and development.   Thank you and welcome to the The Seedlings Montessori School community!

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